Monday, January 17, 2011


Cate’s eyes widened and her lips parted in quiet gasp of surprise.

She couldn't speak.  

Cate stared at Jon’s handsome face, the shock of his words numbing her ability to respond.  He had asked her the one question she had been avoiding throughout her melancholy bout of self-examination.  Cate hadn’t dared to let herself think about having a child with Jon, refusing to allow herself to wish for the unattainable.  She was having a difficult enough time dealing with the reality of their family dynamic.

“Cate.”  Jon’s gentle voice drew her attention back to him.  “Is that what this is about?” 

“I… Uh…”  Cate stammered, then took a deep breath.  She had to answer him truthfully; Jon deserved to know how she really felt.  If only she knew, herself.

“I.. I don’t know.”  Cate felt another tear slip down her cheek with the admission.

Jon smiled tenderly and brushed away her tear.  “You know, you can talk to me about this.”

Cate sighed and turned her face to kiss Jon’s palm.  “I… I know.  I just don’t… I honestly don’t know why this is bothering me so much.  Nothing’s changed, nothing’s different than it’s ever been.  I love your kids, I think Dorothea’s great.  I just…”

“C’mere.”  Jon dropped his hand from Cate’s face and gave her shoulder a little squeeze, encouraging her to lean back against him.  With another little sigh she submitted, settling against his chest and letting Jon enfold her in his embrace.  “Now, you just…?”  Jon repeated Cate’s unfinished sentence, gently prodding her to continue.

Cate took a deep breath, her emotions calming as she felt Jon’s rhythmic breathing against her back.  She always felt so secure, so safe in the protective circle of his arms.  Especially when her fears were in her own heart.  She blinked away the moisture from her eyes before speaking.

“I just… I guess lately I’ve just been feeling… feeling like a little bit of an outsider.  I know you don’t want to hear that, Jon, but it’s true.”  Cate’s soft voice wavered a bit.

Jon bit back his urge to contradict her, to tell Cate she was wrong, that she was a member of his family in every sense of the word. But now that she was finally talking he didn’t want to shut her down.  Jon reminded himself that though Cate’s words made his heart ache he had no right to deny how she was feeling.  Instead he encouraged her to go on.

“Why, Baby?  Why do you feel like that?”

Cate was quiet for a minute, searching her heart for an answer.  “I guess I’ve always felt like that, a little.  Everybody close to you has been important in your life for a long time – years, decades.  I’m the new kid on the block, so to speak.”

Jon smiled at her choice of words.  “That’s true, but you’re the one with the most important title, Mrs. Bongiovi.”  He chuckled softly and kissed her cheek, then rested his chin on her shoulder.  “Cate, you’re the one person I choose to spend my life with, to share every part of me with.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.”

Cate chortled softly at his gentle tease.  “I know.  But you also chose Dorothea, a long time ago.  And that didn’t work out.  But you still love her, you have an honest relationship with her.  As a friend, not just as the mother of your children.”

“True.  But Cate, we’ve talked about this before.  I’ll always love Dorothea.  We shared a lot.  But we’re not the same people we once were.  She doesn’t own my heart… she hasn’t for a long time.”  Jon paused, waiting for Cate’s response.  He knew she wasn’t insecure about his relationship with his ex-wife; she was working up to something else.

“I know.  It’s just that…”  Cate sighed, a note of exasperation in the breathy exhalation.  “I guess I’m just a little jealous.  I’ll never have with you what she does.”  Cate let out a little snort of self-disgust.  “God, listen to me.  I sound like a pathetic, needy, weak woman, obsessing over my husband’s ex.”

“Hey.  Stop that.”  Jon’s rebuke was gentle but firm.  He hated to hear Cate berating herself over her honest emotions.  “You’re not weak.  Far from it.”  Jon paused for a moment to let his assurance sink in.  

He took a deep breath before continuing, not sure how his next question would be received.  “Baby, what Dorothea said to you, about being too selfish to sacrifice your career for a child… Did that hit a little too close to home?”

Cate felt a stab of guilt at Jon’s words, mingled with a strange sense of relief.  She sat silent, searching her heart for the truth.  “Yes,” she finally whispered.  “I guess so.”

Jon closed his eyes, willing himself to remain calm as his heart broke a little at Cate’s sad admission.  He hated that she was beating herself up like this, that Dorothea’s words had caused her such turmoil.  But he had to urge her to continue, to unburden herself to him.  He would do anything to help erase the sadness from her heart.

“You never wanted kids?”  Jon kept his voice soft and even, trying to hide his own emotion.

Cate shook her head.  “No.  Honestly, I didn’t.”  She snorted softly.  “You know, when you’re young and going mach ten with your hair on fire and doing all those exciting things with your life, all you want is success.  You don’t want to be burdened, you can’t imagine having time for anything like a family.”  She paused and Jon saw an ironic smile ghost her lips.  “I guess that is selfish, huh?”

“No.  I get it.  I was like that too.  Biggest rock star in the damned world, anything and everything I ever could dream of offered up to me on a silver platter.  Back in the middle of the craziness, when it all broke open, the last thing I wanted was to be tied down.  I just wanted to work my ass off to stay on top.”

“Yeah, but you realized what you really wanted, what you needed, was balance.  Something normal to hold on to.”  Cate sighed wearily.  “And you had it.  You had Dorothea.  You realized you needed her, before it was too late.”

Jon was silent, his lips pursing lightly as he considered the bitter subtext of Cate’s words.  After a moment he continued, more gently. 

“You thought you found what you needed with Kevin.  But you didn’t.”  Jon couldn’t keep the tinge of disgust from his voice as he named Cate’s ex-husband.

“Yeah.”  Cate snorted derisively.  “But neither of us wanted kids.  We knew that going in.  And even if I had… well, considering how quickly our marriage went south, it wouldn’t have happened.”

They were silent for a long minute.  Jon hugged Cate to him and dropped his lips to her shoulder, dotting it with gentle kisses.  He felt guilty for bringing up the painful topic of Cate’s failed marriage but he knew Cate was thinking about it anyway.  And they needed to get everything out in the open.

Finally Cate sighed, her body slumping against his.  She tipped her head to the side, resting her cheek on Jon’s shoulder.  “I just don’t know anymore,” she breathed sadly.  “Sometimes I wish I could go back and do it all over again, make different choices.”

Jon smiled gently at her lament.  “Yeah, me too.  I think we all do.  But if we did, we wouldn’t be who we are today.”  He paused, unconsciously sliding his hands gently over her middle.  “Cate, do you regret not having a child?”

“I didn’t used to.”  Her honest answer came on a strangled breath.  “I never dreamed I’d find someone I’d love so much that I’d want to make a child with him.  Someone who would love me back.”  She swallowed hard, and when she spoke again her voice was barely above a whisper.  “My regret is that I found you too late.”

Tears welled in Jon’s eyes as his heart clenched at her words.  He hugged her and buried his nose in her hair, nuzzling at her neck as he blinked rapidly.  Suddenly he realized what he wanted, maybe even more than she did.

“Baby, it’s not too late.”

“What?”  Jon felt Cate tense in his arms, her surprise betrayed by her body.

“It’s not too late.  For us to have a child.”  Jon raised his head and waited.  Slowly Cate turned her head, leaning back so she could look at him.  He smiled as he saw a little spark in her swirling sapphire gaze. “If that’s what you want.”

Cate stared at Jon for a long moment, her heart racing as her mind struggled to comprehend his words.  "But… Jon… I’m not sure….”  Cate drew in a deep breath and blew it slowly out, counting to ten.  Jon felt her relax in his arms.  When she reached the number, she gave him a little half-smile.  “I’m not exactly young anymore.”

“Cate, you’re only forty-two.  That’s not that old.  Women older than you have babies all the time.  Practically every day you see something in the press about another mid-forties mother.”

Cate chuckled softly, her lips curving a bit more.  “Yeah, you hear about rich people and celebrities having babies in their forties.  Usually with help.”

Jon grinned.  “Rich people and celebrities?  Well, we got both of those covered.”  His heart warmed at Cate’s quiet laugh in response.  “Baby, we have the means to make it work, if you want to.

Cate sighed, reaching up to stroke Jon’s smooth cheek.  She gave him a bittersweet smile.  “That’s a nice fantasy, Baby.  But it’s a moot point anyway.  You had a vasectomy.”

“That’s easy to fix.  I’ll have it reversed.”

Again Cate gasped softly at Jon’s matter-of-fact declaration.  Her eyes sparkled as her heart swelled with emotion. 

“You… you’d do that?”

Jon leaned forward to brush his lips over Cate’s in a sweet caress.  “If that’s what you want… yes.”  He pulled back and gazed at Cate, watching her consider his words.

“I… Oh, Jon…”  Cate didn’t know what to say.  Suddenly she was nervous.  She stared back at Jon, her heart pounding and butterfly wings fluttering madly in her stomach.  A child… with Jon… It was almost too much for her to comprehend.  She slowly shook her head, as if to deny the possibility.  Her emotions paralyzed, Cate’s rational mind took over.

“Baby, I… thank you.  But it’s been a long time since you had that done.”

“Cut the wires, you mean?”  Jon gave Cate a little grin, trying to coax a smile.  He could see the shock in her expression, and he knew she was struggling with herself again.  He didn’t want to push too hard, to overwhelm her so much that she retreated into herself.  But he couldn’t help his growing excitement at the possibility of another child.

Again an amused smile crept to Cate’s lips.  “Umm… yeah.”  She took another calming breath.  “Baby, vasectomy is a reversible surgery, but it doesn’t necessarily mean… I mean, it could be a long shot… in terms of actual fertility…”  Though her pulse was evening out Cate’s mind was still racing.  She couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence.

Jon chuckled and ducked his head forward to rub the tip of his nose against Cate’s.  “I know it’s not a guarantee.  But let me just tell you – I got strong swimmers.  They’re just like me – stubborn, strong-willed, used to getting what they want, don't take no for an answer…”  

He grinned broadly as his boast brought a girlish giggle from Cate’s lips.  “When we decided to have Steph and Jess, it only took one shot each.  I could knock Dorothea up at will.”  Jon chuckled, encouraged by Cate’s soft laugh.   “And now that I have all that experience… Shit, Baby.  I would hardly even have to try.”

Jon’s heart melted as he watched Cate’s lips curve into a gentle smile.  She chuckled softly and looked down at Jon’s arms, crossed over her abdomen as he held her cradled against him.  In response to her gaze Jon rubbed his hand gently over her belly. 

“Jon… I don’t know.  I need to think about this.”

“Of course you do.”  Jon kissed Cate’s cheek, slipping his arm back across her middle and squeezing gently.  He smiled as she purred softly and snuggled back against him, finally relaxing.  “It’s a big decision.”

“Jon, tell me honestly… do you want another child?  I mean, you’d be starting all over again.  You already have such a wonderful family….”

“And Christ, there are so MANY of them!”  Jon cut her off with a gentle tease, smiling again as she giggled softly.  His voice softened with emotion.  “In all seriousness, Cate… I would love to have more children.  It’s an amazing thing, being a father.  I miss my kids being little.  And this time…” he paused, feeling a lump rising in his throat.  Clearing it with a soft growl, he continued.  “This time I’d do it right.  I’d be there for it all, the hard stuff and the good stuff.”

Jon felt Cate draw in and exhale another deep breath.  He knew her mind must be reeling, trying to sort through her hopes, her fears, and her emotions.  He hoped he hadn’t overwhelmed her with his answer, but it was the truth.  At this moment he wanted nothing more than to give Cate a child.

“Jon… I just don’t know.”  Cate’s words were quiet but gentle.  The undertone of sadness was gone from her voice.  “There’s so much to consider… medically, professionally, financially, emotionally…”  She turned her face to his.  “It might take me awhile to sort this out.  I mean… I just feel so stupid about being all emotional.  I need to really search inside myself, to be sure it’s what I truly want, that I’m not just overreacting to how hard the past few months have been.”

“I understand.  Baby, I want you to think about it, to be sure.  But whatever you decide…” Jon reached forward to place a gentle kiss on Cate’s trembling lips before whispering against her mouth.  “Whatever you want, I want too.”

Cate smiled and shifted in Jon’s arms, her eyes sparkling with happy tears and her heart full.  She turned on her hip to face him, swinging her legs over his thigh and slipping her arms around Jon’s waist.  She leaned up so her lips were next to his.  “What I want right now is you.”

Jon sighed happily as Cate’s mouth slid over his in a gentle caress.  Cradling the back of her neck with his hand, Jon leaned sideways, gently lowering Cate’s body to the ground and stretching out beside her.  Pulling away from the kiss, he smiled down at Cate.  She looked so beautiful in the fire’s glow, her eyes shining like sapphires and her lips full and moist, curved with contentment.

Jon’s heart filled to bursting as he gazed at his wife.  He became aware of the soft crackle of the fire and of the soothing rush of the waves against the beach.  There was something magical about this place, this tiny island where their love story began.  Tonight the enchantment was in the moonlight again, inspiring him and Cate to dream of their future as a family. 

He reached up to draw a gentle finger along her cheek.  “I love you so much, Baby.  I give thanks every day that fate brought us together here, that you were brave enough to give me a chance.”  Jon’s blue eyes glittered with affection.  “My life began again here, with you.  I wouldn’t give up a second of our time together, and I promise you I won’t waste a minute of what we have left.  Whatever our future may bring.”  Jon’s gaze followed his hand as it moved to rest gently on Cate’s stomach.

Cate smiled and moved her hand to cover Jon’s, over her womb.  “Whatever comes... No regrets,” she whispered.



Cate chortled softly as Jon stole another glance at his phone.  She knew it would be hard for him to resist checking the score though he had declared earlier he didn’t care that they were missing the AFC playoff game.  She had offered to forego their evening plans, honest when she said she’d be happy to order a pizza and spend the evening on the couch in front of the TV, watching her husband cheer on the Patriots. 

Jon had quickly refused, insisting they continue with the special evening he had planned.  They had enjoyed a quiet candlelight dinner at a quaint local inn, then returned to the villa where Jon had another surprise waiting. 

Cate was speechless, shaking her head in wonder when she spied the private beach bonfire.  With a self-satisfied grin Jon had kissed her and led her across the sand to the fireside.  They settled down onto an oversized blanket, Jon guiding Cate to sit between his thighs as he leaned back against a strategically-placed driftwood log, thoughtfully provided by the hotel staff. 

Seeing Cate shiver with the night chill despite the fire’s warmth, Jon had draped a blanket around his shoulders and pulled her close, wrapping her inside the blanket with him.  They talked quietly, gazing at the fire and watching the ocean, until finally Cate asked Jon to check the score.  He hadn’t argued, quickly producing his iPhone.  Now as the last minutes of the game ticked away he growled softly in frustration.

 Cate gave Jon a sympathetic smile and leaned up to brush a kiss across his lips.  “Sorry, Baby.”

Jon shrugged and shoved his phone back into his pocket.  “S’okay.  It’s just a game.”  He winced slightly as the lie passed his lips.

Cate chuckled.  “Yeah, right.  I know.  I’m a fan too, remember?”  She snuggled back against Jon’s chest and purred softly as his arms tightened around her.  Cate turned her head to rub her cheek against Jon’s warm chest, sighing as the soft cotton of his worn thermal tee caressed her skin. 

Jon pressed a kiss against Cate’s hair, giving her another squeeze.  “Yeah, okay.  The Pats lost.  It blows.”  He chuckled softly, gazing into the dancing flames of the bonfire. 

“I’m sorry you missed the game.  I know you were planning to go.”  Cate looked up to give Jon a grateful smile.  “Thanks for giving that up for me.”

“For us,” Jon corrected her.  “Baby, I’ll take a romantic weekend with my beautiful wife over a football game any day.”

Cate snorted softly and smirked at his fib.  “Any day?  Even Super Bowl Sunday?  With the Giants playing?”  She chuckled at her hypothetical tease.

Jon grinned sheepishly.  “Well, okay.  Almost any day.  But today for sure.”

Cate smiled and snuggled back against him again.  She was so grateful to Jon for his wonderful surprise, this beautiful, romantic, lazy weekend together.  “Thank you, Baby,” she repeated softly. 

The past few months had been difficult, with him on the road and her working so much.  Missing him and stressed out, Cate knew she had withdrawn into herself.  Even after his return she had found it difficult to open herself fully to him again.  After all, in a matter of a few short weeks he would be gone again and she would be alone, dealing with life’s daily grind.   She wanted to savor these private moments with Jon.  She had to share him with so many people; having him all to herself was a rare luxury.

As if on cue, Jon’s phone buzzed in his pocket.  Cate felt Jon tense, but he didn’t reach for it.  It buzzed again and still he didn’t move.

“Baby?”  Cate’s voice was soft, resigned.  She knew Jon had programmed his phone so only the most important calls would reach him during their time together.  “You should answer that.”

Jon sighed, detecting the hint of disappointment in Cate’s voice.  Their weekend was almost over; he didn’t want to interrupt it with business.  “Are you sure?”

Cate nodded.  “Of course.”  She understood as well as Jon that neither of them could completely escape their electronic leashes.  She had carried her Blackberry with her most of the weekend, in case her office had an emergency and had to call her back to work.  Thank God that hadn’t happened.

Jon fished his phone out of his jeans pocket and held it up in front of him and Cate.  Cate saw the familiar number on the glowing screen and a tiny twinge of jealousy plucked at her heart.  She immediately felt guilty at the reaction.

“Dorothea.”  Jon’s voice carried a hint of concern.  “I wonder if she left…”  The phone buzzed again, cutting his thought short with the announcement of a voicemail.  Jon tapped the screen with his thumb and raised the phone to his ear, listening to the message.

Cate sighed softly and turned her gaze back to the fire.  She again felt the muscles of Jon’s chest tense before he spoke.  “Jakey’s sick.  He was asking for me, so Dorothea asked if I would call back and talk to him.”  Jon hesitated.  “Cate, would that be okay?”

Again Cate felt a pang of guilt at the apology in Jon’s voice.  She sat forward and turned to look at him.  “Baby, of course it’s okay.  He’s your child.  He needs you.”  She gave him a little smile.  “Call him.  Tell him I hope he feels better.”

Jon gazed at Cate for a moment, searching her expression.  Then he nodded.  “Okay.  I’ll only be a few minutes, promise.”  He leaned forward to give Cate a gentle kiss as he pulled the blanket from his shoulders.  He climbed to his feet and leaned down to drape the blanket over Cate, then kissed her forehead.  “Be right back.  I’ll bring us some wine.”

“Okay.”  Cate watched Jon stride across the sand toward the villa, the phone to his ear.  When he disappeared into the living room she turned back to the fire.  Cate pulled the blanket closer around her shoulders, drawing her legs up under her and leaning back against the log. 

Feeling her eyes moisten, Cate angrily shook her head.  What the hell was wrong with her?  She had been happy and content and relaxed just a few moments ago, until Dorothea’s call.  Now she was on the verge of tears, the sadness she had struggled against for the past few months closing in on her heart.  

Stop it, Cate chastised herself.  You’re being stupid.  It’s not her fault, it’s not Jon’s fault, it’s nobody’s fault.  Things are the way they’ve always been, the way you knew they always would be. 

She took a deep breath and angrily swiped a hand across her eyes, brushing away her tears.  She looked past the fire at the shimmering waves of the ocean, rolling gently to the shore.  Cate willed herself to pull it together before Jon returned. 

He didn’t need to carry this burden along with everything else he bore in his heart and soul.  Eventually she would get past this, in her own way.  In the meantime Cate was determined to count her blessings for the wonderful man who had made her his wife.

Taking another deep breath, Cate forced herself to think about something else, anything else.  Her mind drifted back over their activities of this weekend.  Cate felt a little smile curve the corners of her mouth as she recalled their earlier walk through the village, when they held hands and laughed and pointed out all the places that were markers of their romantic history.  She had been so relaxed, so carefree, so content just being with Jon here in this place where her old life ended and her new one began. 

Cate mused over that thought, her old life versus her new.  A lot had changed for her, almost overnight.  She wasn’t the same woman she was just two years ago.  She was softer, gentler, wiser… more giving.  Jon had done that for her.  He had helped her discover a part of her soul she thought was missing.  He had made her a complete woman, in almost every sense of the word. 


“Cate?”  Jon’s gentle voice cut through her reverie.  “Baby, you okay?”

“Huh?  Oh…”  Cate turned her head to see Jon standing beside her, two glasses of wine in his hands.  His face wore a look of worry.  She gave him a little smile.  “Yeah.  Fine.  How’s Jake?”

“He’ll be fine.  Just a tummy bug.”  Jon leaned over to carefully set the wine glasses on the ground near the fire, digging their feet into the sand to be sure they wouldn’t fall over.  Cate scooted forward to allow him to lower himself into his earlier spot against the log.

“You want the blanket?” she asked softly as Jon settled in behind her and slipped his hands around her waist.

“Naw, I’m fine.  It’s pretty warm here now.”  Jon gave Cate a little squeeze and pressed a kiss against her ear.  “Sorry for the interruption.  Jakey’s just having a rough night, poor guy.  Dorothea said to tell you she’s sorry for intruding on our weekend.”

“It’s okay.  I understand.” 

Jon’s brow furrowed at the sadness in Cate’s quiet voice.  “Cate, what’s wrong?   And don’t say ‘nothing.’  I can tell something’s bothering you.”

Cate chuckled throatily at Jon’s command, but didn’t answer.  He had forbidden her stock answer, so she didn’t know how to respond without revealing more than she wanted to.

“Baby… please.  Talk to me.”  Jon tightened his arms around Cate, giving her a little squeeze and settling his chin on her shoulder.  “There’s something going on with you, has been for weeks.”

Cate sighed, dropping her chin as a melancholy little smile turned her lips.  “Baby, it’s nothing.  Just something I have to sort out, that’s all.”

“Well, let me help you.  Talk through it to me, like you do with Danny.”  Jon’s voice was soft in Cate’s ear, his breath warm on her cheek.  “I can listen. I won’t even say a word, if you don’t want me to.  Cross my heart.”

Cate chuckled at that.  “Yeah, right.  Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

Jon chortled.  “Okay, okay.  Maybe I’ll say a couple words.  But I promise I’ll listen.”

Cate sighed again, deeply.  “Jon, I just… this is something personal.  Something I have to figure out on my own.  I haven’t even told Danny, ‘cause he can’t help.”

Jon's heart clenched with dread.  “Baby, you’re okay, aren’t you?  Physically, I mean?  You’re not… Your doctor’s appointment…”

“No!  No… God, No.”  Cate shook her head emphatically.  “Jon, I’m fine.  Honest.  Baby, if I was sick I’d tell you.  I’d need you to lean on.”

Jon blew out a deep breath of relief.  “Okay. Thank God.  It’s just… you haven’t been yourself, ever since I came home from Australia.  You’ve seemed… kinda… grey.”  Jon paused, searching for words.  “You seem kinda like I felt back in the fall, when we were in South America.  Just… I don’t know… Sad.”

Cate sighed.  “I know.  I’m sorry.  I guess I just… I’m just being selfish, is all.”

“Selfish?  How?”

“I miss you.  When you’re gone I’m alone.  I go to work, I come home, that’s it.  It’s just me.  I don’t really have many friends in New York, just the people I work with.”  Cate took a deep breath.  “And when you come home, it’s hard to adjust.  It’s wonderful, but it’s like I only get a part of you.  You have so many responsibilities, so many people you have to share your time with…” 

Cate stopped, cringing as she heard the words leave her mouth.  They sounded so whiny and selfish.  She didn’t want to be that kind of woman.

Jon’s heart squeezed at the sadness in Cate’s voice.  He knew where she was going with this, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself.  Her mood, her reaction to his call a few minutes ago… it had to be what was bothering her.  He took a deep breath.

“Like Dorothea, you mean?”

Jon felt Cate tense in is arms.  Steeling himself, he continued on.  “And our kids?”

Cate felt a stab of guilt again, in the pit of her stomach.  “God, Jon… No!  Of course not.”  She shifted in Jon’s arms, turning to give him an earnest look.  “Baby, your kids are the most important thing in your life.  You’re their father.  You should spend as much time with them as you can.  And Dorothea is their mother.”

Jon stared back at Cate, his heart clenching at the pain he saw swirling in her beautiful blue eyes.  “And blood is stronger than marriage vows?”  His voice was quiet and even despite the ache in his soul.

Cate’s lips parted as she gasped softly, but her gaze didn’t waver from Jon’s.  He saw the realization in her eyes before she spoke.  “She… she told you.”

“Yes.”  Jon paused.  “I know you asked Dorothea not to tell me what happened, because you were afraid I’d be pissed at her.  She told me everything.”  He took a deep breath, waiting for Cate’s response. 

When none came he continued.  “Cate, don’t be mad at her.  Dorothea told me because she’s trying to help.  When I had lunch with her the other day I was so worried about you, about how quiet and sad you’ve been lately.  She asked me what was wrong and I just started talking and everything just kinda came tumbling out.”

“Oh.”  Cate swallowed hard, then took a shaky breath.  “Jon… that’s not it.  Really.  She didn’t mean what she said to me.  Dorothea was upset, she apologized over and over…  We’re fine now.  Really, we are.”  Despite her words Cate’s eyes glistened with the beginnings of tears.

“I know.”  Jon reached a hand up to stroke her cheek.  “But there’s more to it than that, isn’t there, Cate?  What Dorothea said to you… it was mean and spiteful and so out of character for her.  I can’t defend her for that.”  He paused and took a breath, realizing there was no going back now.  

“But you know she was right about one thing.  Dorothea and I share a bond, through our kids.  I’ve never denied that, and neither have you.  It’s something you and I don’t have.”  Jon paused again and gave Cate a tender little smile. “It’s something maybe you wish we had, or could have.”

A tear slid down Cate’s cheek as she gazed at Jon, her sapphire eyes shining in the firelight.  Her heart swelled at her husband’s words, at his simple statement of everything she was feeling.  He knew.  He understood, even though she had tried to hide her melancholy as she struggled to come to terms with their reality.

Jon’s heart squeezed at the expression of relief painting his wife’s beautiful face.  So this was the burden she had been carrying, what she had been struggling with, all alone.  Jon swept her tear away with the gentle brush of his calloused thumb, the moisture on her soft skin sparkling in the light of the flames.

“Cate… Do you want to try to have a baby?”

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Cate’s eyelids fluttered open, letting in the dusky light.  She squinted for a moment, trying to focus. 

Her lips curved into a gentle smile as a beautiful sight swam into view.  Jon was reclining, bare-chested and scruffy, in one of the chairs in the bedroom’s sitting area.  He held the golden Takamine cradled in his arms, a quiet melody singing from his fingers on the strings.  Cate sighed softly.

“Hey, Beautiful.”  His voice was soft and whiskey-rough with morning. 

“Hey.”  Cate blinked sleepily, not yet ready to move from her warm nest in the big four-poster bed.  She sighed again, letting Jon’s music wash over her.  She didn’t recognize the tune, if it even was a song.  Whatever it was, it was pretty.

Jon stopped playing and smiled at Cate.  “You awake?”

“Mmm Hmm.  Just listening.  What is that?  It’s nice.”

“Nothing.  Just fooling around.”  Jon chuckled quietly.  “This is my lucky spot.”

Cate’s brow furrowed as she tried to understand what he meant.  “Huh?”

Jon grinned and softly picked out a familiar note on the Takamine.  “It’s my lucky spot.  Last time I sat here and wrote a song it was a hit.”

Cate stretched, then pushed herself up on one elbow.  Her shift in position made the pale blue sheets slide downward, revealing the swell of her breasts.  She blinked again, confused.  “What?”

With a soft chortle Jon slid the guitar from his lap, propping it against the facing empty chair.  “Last time I sat here…”  He pushed himself out of the chair and moved over to the bed, settling on its edge beside Cate.  “I sat and watched you sleep.”

He reached out to stroke a long strand of chestnut hair that trailed over Cate’s bare shoulder.  “You were so peaceful and beautiful, like just now.  But inside you were scared.  You were afraid to fall for me, because of everything that happened to you in the past.” 

Jon raised his hand to trace the line of her jaw with a gentle finger.  “I sat here watching you, and that’s when ‘Superman’ came to me.  You were my Muse, Cate.  And you have been ever since.”

Cate’s heart squeezed at Jon’s sweet explanation.  She remembered that morning, waking up with Jon.  And she knew he had written Superman Tonight for her.  But he had never told her about the catalyst that sparked his creativity, that inspired him to conjure up those beautiful, heartbreaking, hopeful lyrics. 

Cate smiled gently and turned her face to kiss his palm.  “You remember the first morning I woke up with you here?”  She chuckled softly.  “On the deck?”

Jon grimaced. “Yeah.  That was painful.”  He chortled at the memory of the aftermath of their first date.  The three bottles of red wine they consumed as they sang and danced and laughed and talked and kissed the night away had made for an uncomfortable morning.  His smile gentled.  “And I remember that next morning, when I had that early phone call with my agent and I slipped back into bed with you…”  Jon’s blue eyes sparkled as he pulled at the bed linens covering Cate’s body.

“Mmmm….. yeah.  I remember that too.”  Cate lifted the edge of the covers, inviting him in.

Jon grinned and rose from his seat on the edge of the bed.  His eyes didn’t leave Cate’s as he pushed at the waist of his grey running shorts, guiding them down his thighs and letting them drop to the floor.  Kicking the garment aside, Jon slipped under the sheets, into Cate’s warm nest of downy bedding.  He growled softly and reached for her, sighing with contentment as she molded her warm curves to his firm muscles.

“Now let’s see… if memory serves…” Cate murmured against Jon’s ear.  She slipped her lips across his softly-stubbled jaw until her mouth met his and their tongues entwined in a familiar, slow dance.

“Mmmm…. Hello, Baby….”  Jon swept his hand slowly up Cate’s warm back, his fingers tracing the ridge of her spine.  He tangled his fingers into her thick, silky auburn mane and sighed.  Jon continued to kiss Cate sweetly, gently, as his arousal grew.  He smiled against her mouth when he felt her hand slip down from his hip to firmly encircle his shaft.

Pulling Cate closer against him, Jon slowly rolled onto his back.  He sighed blissfully at the welcome feel of her warm, soft body covering his.  Cate let out a happy purr and raised her face to look at him.  They smiled at each other for a long moment, their eyes swirling together in the wonderfully familiar dance of rising passion.

Raising her hands to Jon’s chest, Cate pushed against his firm pecs to lever herself upright.  Her thighs opened to straddle Jon’s hips, her knees bending beneath her as she drew them up to support her weight.  Cate let out another happy growl when she felt the velvety skin of Jon’s hard cock slide against her moist lips as she positioned herself on top of him.  The soft blue sheets slipped from her body and puddled behind her on Jon’s thighs.

Jon’s lips parted in a husky groan of contentment as he watched Cate move on top of him.  His pulse quickened while his eyes drank in the vision of his wife’s beautiful nude body, shrouded by shining waves of copper and mahogany as her hair tumbled over her shoulders and breasts.  He groaned softly when he saw her nipples contract, tightening to firm, rosy points at the brush of the morning air over their sensitive flesh.

Jon raised his gaze to Cate’s face, his smile gentling as he watched passion’s blush wash over her lovely features.  In the soft morning light she seemed to glow with contentment.  She looked exactly as he remembered her from that passionate morning, all those months ago, when their souls had entwined as their bodies danced.  “Do you remember?” he whispered.  “What I called you?”

Cate smiled tenderly down at Jon, her sapphire eyes glowing.  She nodded, her auburn locks rippling with the movement.  Cate reached a hand forward to trace her fingertips lightly through the silver fur blanketing Jon’s chest.  “You called me your Angel.”  Her voice was soft and gentle, with just a tiny tremble of emotion.

“My Angel,” Jon repeated softly, his eyes moistening at the memory.  Pushing himself up onto his elbows, Jon curled his torso up until he was sitting, his hands gently gripping Cate’s hips.  “Oh, Cate…” Jon breathed as he lowered his head, burying his face in the valley between her breasts. 

Cate smiled and raised a hand to tangle in Jon’s hair as he licked and and kissed at her warm skin.  “Jonny…” she sighed.  She arched toward his mouth, her shift in position causing her moist lips to slide along his rigid length.  Jon gasped softly at the sensation, then chuckled against her flesh.  He moved his mouth up the side of one breast and drew in her nipple, gently swirling his tongue around the stiff peak.

With a happy groan Cate led her head fall back, her hair slipping over her shoulders and tumbling down her back.  Arching her back a little more, Cate reached behind her to brace her hands on Jon’s firm thighs, kneading them with her fingers as she reveled in the workings of Jon’s clever lips.  

She began to pulse her hips against Jon’s lap, sliding her wet core along his cock.  Jon growled in response and moved his mouth to her other breast, pulling her nipple between his lips and sucking more greedily at it as his arousal heightened.

“Oh!” Cate squeaked softly as Jon’s teeth closed lightly around her nipple.  She raised her head and sat up straight, her hands moving to Jon’s shoulders.  “Lay back, Baby.”

Jon complied, his fingers tightening around her hips and urging her forward as he curled back against the bed.   Cate groaned appreciatively as she watched his abs ripple with the movement.  “Jesus, Baby.  Your body is just…”

“Not nearly as beautiful as yours,” Jon chuckled huskily, cutting her off.  He settled back against the pillows and gave her a smoldering stare.  “Baby…”

Cate smiled, recognizing his need.  Bracing her hands lightly against Jon’s pecs she leaned forward, tipping her hips and sliding along the full length of his shaft. 

Jon’s eyes rolled back, then fluttered closed as a low moan rumbled from his throat.  Cate held still for a moment, then raised her hips away from his.  Jon inhaled and held his breath, sucking his lower lip between his teeth, knowing what was coming.  

Cate chuckled throatily and rocked her pelvis backward until she felt his engorged head against her entrance.  With a long, blissful sigh she sank down on him, drawing Jon slowly inside her.

“Oh…. Christ, Baby….” Jon’s fingers tightened on Cate’s hips as he tensed inside her.  He forced his eyes open and focused on her face, watching her watch him.  He let out another little whimper as Cate pushed against his chest, levering herself more fully upright until she sat astride him.   

“Jonny… you feel so good.”  A sensual smile curled Cate’s lips as she rolled her hips in a slow circle, feeling him flex and pulse inside her as she moved.   Jon gasped, then let out a long, happy growl.  He pulled his hands from her hips and held them up, palms open.

Cate pressed her palms to his, sighing as his long fingers twined between hers and clasped around her hands.  She purred softly as Jon held her hands, helping steady her balance as she began to pulse up and down on his shaft.

“Oh… Cate….” Jon drew in a shuddering breath as his cock twitched inside her, warning of its impending eruption.  He grinned as he watched Cate’s breasts bob enticingly with her rhythmic gyrations as she rode him.  She smiled back at him, their eyes locking and their souls melding as their bodies danced.

For several long, blissful minutes Jon and Cate moved together, his glutes and thighs tensing with his upward pulses as she rocked back and forth against his crotch.  With her every sway Jon growled softly, relishing the sensations she evoked in him.  He grunted as Cate unexpectedly shifted her position to lean back, her grip on his hands tightening as she sought to maintain her balance.

“Baby… Oh GOD!”  Jon yelped as the new angle flexed his cock inside her and he felt the firm fleshy curves of her ass cheeks press against his balls.  “Cate!”

“Hang on, Baby…” she gasped as an electric charge bolted through her synapses, the result of her shift.  “Just… just for a minute…”  Her eyes slipped closed as her breathing accelerated and shallowed.  “Oh God…” 

Jon felt Cate’s thighs tremble against his hips as she tightened around him, her climax nearing.  “Come on, Baby…” he urged huskily.  “Let go…”  He moaned softly as he thrusted upward against her, feeling fire racing up his spine as again his balls bounced against her cheeks.  He squeezed her hands hard, urging her to give over to her body.

Cate tossed her head back and let out a long wail.  “Oh…  GOD!  Oh, JONNNNNN!!!!!”  She gyrated furiously against his lap then convulsed, her thighs quivering and her walls contracting around his cock as her orgasm rushed over her.  Her eyes squeezed shut as she savored the ecstasy of her release, its hot flush spreading throughout her body.

Jon groaned with relief as he let himself go, allowing his seed to surge forth to mingle with her juices.  The force of his ejaculation sent a shudder throughout his entire body, followed by a relieved slump of relaxation.  He panted raggedly as his eyes slipped closed and he smiled with satisfaction.  “Ahhhh….”  His grip on Cate’s hands relaxed but he didn’t let go, his fingers remaining lovingly twined with hers.

Cate sat astride Jon for a long minute, feeling him twitch under and inside her as she struggled to slow her pounding pulse.  Dropping her chin to her chest, she opened her eyes.  She smiled when she focused on Jon’s beautiful face, his expression one of delighted relief.  Cate gazed down at her husband and felt her heart squeeze with affection for the millionth time since they had found each other. 

“You okay?”

Jon purred happily.  “I’m perfect.”  His sandy lashes fluttered and he opened his eyes to look at Cate.  He drew in a deep breath, then sighed.  “Good morning, Angel.”

Cate chuckled softly.  “Good morning, Superman.”  Gently untangling her fingers from Jon’s she leaned forward, bracing her hands on the bed beside Jon’s shoulders as she carefully dismounted him.  Jon chortled softly and placed a kiss on her breast as it grazed his chin. 

He purred again as Cate shifted on the bed to snuggle beside him, resting her head on his chest.  Jon tightened his arm around Cate, hugging her gently.  “So, was that as good as you remember?” 

“Better.” Cate smiled and turned her face to press a kiss against Jon’s pec.

Jon chortled softly.  “Hmmm.  I say we call it a tie.  We can have the tiebreaker tomorrow morning.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”  Cate traced a fingertip down Jon’s stomach, circling his navel.  She chuckled when he flinched at the tickle.  “So, what’s on the agenda today?”

“Mmmm.  Sex.  And more sex.  And then later…. Sex.”

Cate grinned as Jon’s tease rumbled in his chest, under her ear.  “We don’t get to eat?”

“Room service.”  Jon gave Cate another little squeeze and laughed gently.  “Naw.  I thought maybe we’d go have lunch at that little cafĂ© you like, then we’re going to the stables over on Jekyll Island.”

Cate raised her head to look at him, surprised.  “Stables?”  An eager smile curved her lips.

Jon grinned at her excitement.  “Yeah, stables.  I know you love to ride, and you haven’t had much of a chance lately, so I thought it would be something fun to do together.”  He chuckled softly.  “Then, because I know I’ll be sore as hell tomorrow, we’re coming back here for a massage.  It’s pre-emptive therapy.”

Cate laughed and leaned up to give Jon a sweet kiss.  “Baby, that sounds fantastic.”  Her smile gentled as she reached up to trace her finger along his stubbled jaw.  “Thank you for all this, for this wonderful weekend.  It’s just what I needed.”

“Welcome, Baby.”  Jon kissed Cate’s fingertip as she traced it across his lips.  “It’s good to see you smile.” 

They gazed happily at each other for a moment, then Jon gave Cate a light smack on the ass.  “All right.  Come on, Cowgirl.   Let’s get a move on so you can go ride something besides your own personal Italian Stallion.”

Cate giggled and pressed another kiss against Jon’s lips.  “Giddyup, Baby.”


Saturday, January 15, 2011


“Oh my God.”  Cate groaned softly and set her fork on the plate with a light clink.  “That was amazing.”

Jon laughed and sipped at his coffee.  “Enjoy that, did you?”

“Uh huh.  That’s some damned good pie.”  With another little purr of satisfaction Cate dabbed daintily at her lips, then laid her napkin on the table.  She smiled across the table at her husband, her heart skipping a beat as she realized how handsome he looked in the soft light of the veranda.

Jon set his cup on its saucer and reached for Cate’s hand.  “Only the best for you, Baby.”  He pulled her fingers to his lips and lightly kissed her fingertips.

Cate’s smile gentled and her blue eyes shone with happiness as she gazed at Jon.  “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

“Yeah, you have.  But I never get tired of hearing it.”  Jon gave Cate a tender smile.  “I hope you know how much I love you too, Baby.  Every minute of every day, you’re in my heart.”

Cate nodded.  “I know.  Me too.”

They gazed sweetly at each other for a long moment, then Jon gently placed Cate’s hand on the table.  “You ready to go?”

Cate nodded and watched as Jon rose from his seat and stepped over to pull out her chair.  He helped her stand, then gently draped her wrap over her shoulders.  Despite the winter evening chill Cate hadn’t needed the heavy shawl as they dined and danced, thanks to the glowing heaters that warmed the outdoor veranda.

Jon chuckled as Cate turned to face him.  He had to tilt his head slightly upward to reach her lips.  After brushing his mouth gently over hers he grinned.  “Baby, I thought I told you not to wear those shoes in public.  You make me look short.”

Cate giggled and looked down at her aubergine suede pumps.  “Sorry.  Couldn’t help myself.  The salesman convinced me I needed them.  He did such a good job I couldn’t resist wearing them for dinner out with my Sexy Hubby.”

“Well, did he remind you that Sexy Hubby likes it when you leave those high heels on when the lights go down?”  Jon growled playfully and nuzzled at Cate’s jaw.

Cate slipped her arms around Jon’s waist and sighed.  “He didn’t have to.  I already knew that.”

“Mmmm. “  Jon’s lips moved to Cate’s and they shared a long kiss.  “But you’re gonna have to take them off in a few minutes.  Don’t wanna get ‘em all sandy.”

“What?” Cate stared at Jon for a moment before she realized what he was saying.  Then it registered. Of course.  After their first date they had walked on the beach, back to Jon’s villa at the King and Prince resort.  Her lips curved into a delighted smile.  “Are we…?”

Jon grinned.  “Yep.  We’re gonna take a little stroll down the beach, back to my place.”

“Oh Baby… you got the villa?”  Cate felt a little tingle of excitement run through her at the prospect of returning to the place where she and Jon had first made love.  Though they had been back to the Center several times in the past year and a half, Jon and Cate always stayed at Cate’s little house on the beach.  They had never returned to the luxurious private villa at the King and Prince, where their love story began.

“I got the villa.”  Jon chuckled.  “It wasn’t easy, either.  I had it booked for last week when we couldn’t come down, but it was already reserved for this weekend.  I had to call in a few favors, kick some corporate bigwig out of it.”

Cate arched a brow at Jon’s boast.  “Really?  Who?”

“No fucking idea.  I’m sure whoever it is is gonna spend all his damned time on the golf course anyway.  We’re gonna spend all our time in that big ol’ bed.”

Cate giggled at Jon’s confident declaration.  “Oh, are we?  Just in the bed?”

Jon grinned dirtily.  “Well, come to think of it there are plenty of places in that fancy villa where we didn’t make love.  May have to remedy that."

“Well Jesus, we got our work cut out for us then.  We better get started.”  Cate chortled softly and placed another sweet kiss on Jon’s soft lips.

Jon laughed and took Cate’s hand, then led her from the veranda.  They exited the restaurant and made their way down the little path to the beach, Cate pausing to remove her shoes at the sand’s edge.  After another long kiss Jon and Cate slipped their arms around each other and wandered slowly along the beach, skirting the tide, Jon carrying Cate’s shoes and purse.  They didn’t speak, both lost in memories of the first time they made this trek together.

When they approached the King and Prince property Cate felt the familiar tingle of anticipation, just as she had the first time she followed Jon onto the stretch of private resort beach.  Automatically her gaze turned to the nearest structure, the villa Jon had inhabited for two weeks during his training.  She smiled when she saw the small beachside deck glowing with the light of dozens of candles, just as it had that first special night.

“You remember,” she observed softly.

Jon stopped and gently turned Cate to face him.  “Of course I do.  How could I forget?”  He lowered his mouth to Cate’s for a lingering kiss.  “It was magic.  The night I knew.”

“You knew what?”  Cate blinked at Jon, her eyes misty in the moonlight.  She remembered too, that beautiful night they shared.  She also remembered the struggle and heartache that followed as she tried to deny her feelings for Jon, tried to protect her heart from the pain she thought would follow.

“I knew you were my Happy Ending.”  Jon grinned sweetly.  “Of course, I didn’t know how much you were gonna make me work for it… but I knew eventually I’d find a way.  And I did.”

Cate sighed.  “Yeah, you did.”  She snuggled her cheek against his shoulder, hugging him tightly.  “Thank God.”

Jon hugged her back and dropped a kiss against the top of her head.  “Hey, I’m nothin’ if not persistent.”

“That you are, Baby.   That you are.”  Cate laughed softly, then pulled back.  “Let’s go in. My feet are cold.”

“Lead the way, Baby.”

Hand-in-hand they traversed the last stretch of sand and climbed the two steps onto the villa’s deck.  They paused to brush their feet against the mat before Jon pulled open the French doors.  Together Jon and Cate stepped into the villa’s living room.

“Oh, Wow…” Cate breathed, the memories rushing over her as she looked around the comfortable room.  Everything was exactly as she remembered it, the high ceilings, the tile floor, the heavy oak furniture, the curved suede couch and the huge round leather ottoman.  A fire crackled in the massive fireplace while flickering candle flames reflected in the dark wall-mounted television screen above the mantle.

Jon smiled gently, watching her expression.  He recalled how overwhelmed Cate was the first time she stepped into this room.  Now she was wide-eyed with wonder, not from surprise but from the memories he knew were racing through her brain. 

Following Cate’s lead, Jon let his eyes wander over the scene.  He chuckled softly as he mentally ticked off the list of items he had asked the resort to provide, one at a time as he located them around the room.  His grin widened when he spied the tawny Takamine acoustic guitar resting on a stand beside the fireplace.  Jon had to hand it to this place, it was definitely five-star.  Everything was exactly as he requested.

Jon reached over to set Cate’s shoes and purse on a nearby chair, then pulled her into his arms.  “Yeah,” he agreed.  “Wow is pretty much right.”  He kissed her gently.  “Feels good to be back.”

“Yes, it does.”  Cate sighed and hugged Jon tight, nestling her cheek against his chest as she looked toward the fire.  She smiled when she saw the guitar.  “We gonna stay up all night again, singing and dancing and drinking too much expensive wine?”

“Well, we can stay up all night, but I got other plans besides singing and dancing and drinking expensive wine.”  Jon’s voice rumbled in his chest under Cate’s ear, as his hand slid to her breast.  “And I definitely don’t intend to pass out on the deck again.”

Cate purred happily and snuggled closer against Jon’s body.  She giggled softly when she felt him stirring, his cock pushing against her abdomen from inside his jeans.  “Baby, you always have plans.”

“Can’t help it.  You make me want you.”  The brush of Jon’s thumb over her nipple made Cate’s whole body tingle.  She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, inhaling his wonderful musky, spicy scent.

“You make me want you too.”

“Then all this other shit, this little seduction….?”  Jon chuckled huskily as he looked around the room.

Cate raised her face to smile at him.  “Lovely, but not necessary.”

“Christ, you’re a LOT easier than last time we were here.  You made me work for it then.”  Jon grinned and raised his hands to Cate’s shoulders, gently pushing away the soft cashmere of her wrap.  She sighed as his calloused fingertips brushed over her bare shoulders, leaving a trail of warmth across her skin.  “How about we save the wine and the music for later?”

“Mmmm… sounds like a plan.”  Cate sighed and let her arms fall to her sides, the cashmere shawl slithering to the floor.  Her eyes drifted closed and she tipped her head back as Jon’s mouth found her neck.  She stood still, reveling in the sensation of Jon’s soft lips sliding up and down her throat, nibbling and tasting.  Cate let out another contented purr and snaked her arms up and around Jon’s neck before pulling her head forward to look at him.

Their eyes met and they gazed lovingly at each other for a long moment, then Jon stooped to hook an arm behind Cate’s knees.  Her arms tightened around his neck as he swept her up into his strong arms stood still, holding her cradled against his chest.  Jon looked again into Cate’s swirling sapphire eyes, silently inquiring.


On Cate’s whisper Jon turned for the bedroom.


Jon grinned as he pulled the Mercedes into a right-hand turn at the designated exit.  He glanced sideways at Cate and saw her confused expression.  Clearly his plan was a success.  At least so far.

“Better shut your mouth before a bug flies in there,” he teased, turning his head toward her so she could see his smug smirk.

“What the… Jon?  Why are we at the airport?”  Remembering his warning, Cate pressed her lips gently together so she was no longer gaping slack-jawed in surprise.

“We’re going to dinner.”

“At Teterboro Airport?”

“No, silly.  I have a little more class than that.”  Jon gave Cate a cheerful wink.  “I’m taking you someplace special.  But it’s a ways away, so it’s a helluva lot quicker to fly.”

Cate turned her head to look out the window as Jon guided the Benz along the road to the charter hangar.  Jon could practically see the wheels turning in her brain as she considered the possibilities of their destination.  He chuckled, reasonably sure she wouldn’t guess where he was taking her.

“How much quicker?”  Cate couldn’t hide the coy curiosity in her tone.

Jon laughed.  “Oh no you don’t, Nancy Drew.  I’m not giving you any clues.  You’ll just have to be surprised for once.”

“Baby, you surprise me all the time.  I never know what the hell to expect from you.”  Cate gave Jon a little smirk, accentuating the gentle jab.

Jon pulled the Mercedes into a spot near the client entrance to the hangar, put it in park, then grinned at Cate.  “Good.  Somebody’s gotta keep you on your toes.  Now let’s go, we have a plane waiting.”


“Okay, Baby... Seriously.  I think you’re beginning to enjoy this whole intrigue bit a little too much.”  Cate raised a hand to trace her fingertips over the silk scarf tied across her eyes.  “You seem to want to blindfold me all the time now.”

Jon chuckled dirtily.  “What’s not to like?  In fact, I think we should make it a regular thing.”  He gave Cate’s hand a gentle squeeze and leaned over to nuzzle at her neck.  “I kinda dig you being all submissive.”

“I bet you do.”  Cate smiled through her mock annoyance.  She was actually a little turned on herself, wondering what romantic adventure Jon had in store for her this time.  She had been surprised when they detoured to Teterboro, and shocked when Jon pulled two overnight bags from the trunk of the Benz before ushering her to the small chartered jet. 

Cate had playfully declared she was going to figure out the mystery of their destination in a matter of minutes, and she had subtly mined for clues in her conversations with the pilot and flight attendant.  But Jon had prepared well; each of those sources had only laughed in response to her sly inquisitions and given her pat and unrevealing answers. 

As they began their descent toward landing after almost two hours of flight time, Jon had produced Cate’s black and grey Kenneth Cole scarf and gently ordered her to “behave.”  Enjoying the game and not wanting to ruin Jon’s carefully-planned surprise Cate had willingly acquiesced, allowing him to blindfold her for the remainder of the flight.   Her impairment made for an awkward deplaning, but Jon had carefully guided her to the waiting car and settled her in the comfortable backseat with a kiss and a whispered promise that all would soon be revealed.

Now, twenty minutes later, Cate could feel the car snaking slowly along winding roads.  She could tell they had gone south; the air was warmer and heavier, laden with humidity.  She also knew they were near water; when they had stepped off the plane the salty tang of the ocean mingled with a light floral aroma in the air.  Cate sighed happily and tipped her head against Jon’s shoulder.

“Are we there yet?” she asked playfully.

Her question was met with a throaty chuckle.  “Actually… yeah.  I can see the restaurant up ahead.  Patience, woman.”

Cate giggled at his reply and turned her head to nip at Jon’s shoulder.  “I’m not good with patience.  Neither are you.”

“No shit.  Now stop biting me or I’ll have to screw you right here in the back of the car instead of waiting until after dinner.”

“Hmmm.”  Cate smirked playfully.  “Actually I’m not that hungry…”  She unlaced her fingers from Jon’s and slid her hand across his taut thigh, curling her fingers down between his legs.  She giggled when she felt him tense.

“Cocktease,” Jon’s throaty murmur beside her ear made Cate laugh.   She could tell from his response against her hand that she had achieved the desired reaction. “And don’t worry, I have plans for you later.”

“I look forward to it.”  Cate flexed her fingers against Jon’s inner thigh before withdrawing them and again slipping her hand into his.  She felt the car drift to a stop, then heard Jon thank the driver and confirm that their bags would be taken care of. 

Cate waited patiently while Jon exited the car and rounded it to help her out her door, her blindfold remaining in place.  As she stood she felt a gentle breeze swirl around her, ruffling her skirt and her hair.  She drew in a deep breath and smiled at the heavy scent of magnolias on the sea breeze.  Yes, they were definitely somewhere in the South.

“You’re not gonna make me wear this thing into the restaurant, are you?” Cate asked, again raising her hand to her satin-shielded eyes.  “I’ll look like an idiot.  Plus, how many people do you think will be snapping photos of Mister Big Shot Rock Star leading his wife around blind?”

Cate felt Jon’s hands on her hips as he moved up behind her, then she heard his honeyed-whiskey chuckle in her ear.  “Jeez, we wouldn’t want that, would we?”  His hands moved to the back of her head, tugging gently at the knotted silk there.  “Okay, Baby.  Ready?”

“Hell yes.”

Cate’s lids involuntarily fluttered as Jon pulled the scarf from across her eyes, letting in the dusky early-evening light.  She felt her hair stir with the breeze as she blinked, her vision adjusting.  When her eyes focused on the sight in front of her they widened.

Jon grinned at Cate’s gasp of surprise.  He again rested his hands on her waist, gently bracing her as she wobbled a bit on her high heels.  “It’s been awhile.”

“Oh, Jon…” The two syllables were all Cate could get out as her heart swelled with emotion.  She could hardly believe they were standing here, in front of this place that was full of romantic nostalgia.

Jon chuckled and pressed a kiss against Cate’s ear.  “I wanted someplace where we could be alone, not be bothered.  This just seemed like the right place, back here where it all started.”  He slipped his arms around Cate’s waist, hugging her gently.

Cate blinked back happy tears as she stared at the stately old mansion.  Jon had brought her back to her favorite restaurant on Saint Simons Island, Delaney’s.  Almost two years ago their romance had begun when Jon surprised her with a private dinner on the veranda of this lovely establishment. The weekend that followed had been one of the most amazing in Cate’s entire life.  She softly cleared her throat and chuckled.  “A return to the scene of the crime, huh?”

Jon’s gentle laugh in her ear almost made Cate’s knees buckle.  “You could say that.”  He gave her another squeeze.  “Now, are we gonna stand out here all night or are we gonna go in and eat?”

Cate shifted sideways in Jon’s arms, looking over her shoulder to meet his gaze.  “Is there pie?”

“Of course.”  Jon grinned proudly, remembering his special request for the restaurant’s famous Key Lime Pie.

“Then what are we waiting for?”  Cate turned in Jon’s embrace and kissed him lightly.  “I’m hungry!”

Jon laughed and took Cate’s hand, then led her toward the front door.